Sunday, February 1, 2009

Zelda's Grandma's Snappy Cookies, from Gael

Zelda's Grandma's Snappy Cookies, from Gael

From Zelda in Denver, a friend from my e-mail book list.

1 C Molasses
1/2 C Shortening
2 1/2 C Flour
1 t Ginger
1 t Soda
1 T Warm Milk
1 t Salt
Dissolve the soda in the warm milk. Heat the molasses to boiling, add shortening, ginger, the soda/milk, salt and flour. Stir it all together and then chill well. Roll them out very, very thin, cut them with a round cookie or biscuit cutter and bake at 325. I'd say to bake them about 5 minutes at the most, but experiment.

There is no cooking time given, it just says to watch closely so that they don't burn. It also says that rolling them thinner is better and almost paper-thin is best. Grandma also reminds us to keep the dough cold, it's easier to handle.

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